Cool auto signatures for phones

What are some cool cell phone signatures.

Signature Tire & Auto Care - Tampa, FL
You can do something that is about your hobbies/personality, or your name. For example, if your name is, let's say Mia your signature can be me-ahhhh! Or if you like
What are some cool cell phone signatures?.
Cool auto signatures for phones
Signature Tire & Auto Care - Tampa, FL What are some sad signatures for cell.28.10.2009 · Best Answer: L.O.V.E. PeaceNotWar!<3 _ElmoLovesYou_ AllTimeLow<3 MakeOuttNotWar xxRAWRxx (thats the one i hav rite now

Best signature for your cell phone now that you and your boyfriend have broken up
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My boyfriend name in contacs on my phone. Hi! i met a girl on new years but was so drunk i couldn`t even talk. se is my dream girl. how do you think would be the
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